Sunday 18 March 2012

Erosion vs Weathering

Weathering is the breakup of rocks and erosion is the transportation of these weathered rocks.

Different types

Physical includes
-Frost shatter: Occurs in the northern and temperate regions. Occurs when water enters pores and cracks and ultimately freezes causing the rock to expand and crack.

-Thermal expansion: Occurs in desert regions where there is a considerable difference in temperature between the day and night. Heating takes place during the day and expansion occurs. This heat is lost during the cool nights and this contraction of the rocks cause them to break,

-Exfoliation: Occurs when thin layers of rock peel of the outer surface of the rock face due to wind and sand.

Chemical Weathering

Solution: Occurs when carbonic acid rain dissolves limestone and other rocks.

Hydrolysis:Carbonic acid works on minerals called silicates and this water replaces the silicate ions which results in the transportation of dissolved minerals away from the rock leaving clay.

Oxidation: Occurs when a metal is in the presence of oxygen. This form of weathering causes rust on metals( such as hammers)

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